Monday, July 30, 2018

Vinyl Wall Sayings

Recently I have been wanting to add some vinyl wall sayings to my empty walls and with Cricut and their amazing vinyl it is pretty darn easy.  I have done 3 projects around the house so far with a few more planned.

I added some house numbers to our front door:

I added a cute saying that I created using different free fonts to the wall you see when you walk in the front door (my plan it is to eventually get a family photo or photo's up there):

And most recently I used 2 free SVG's I found by doing a search online for laundry SVG's free on google to add some humor to the area above my laundry room door:

My daughters have requested their names for their doors and I am planning on adding labels to my clear storage containers so I guess I am not done yet!

Have you used vinyl on your walls? 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Baseball Flip Flops

I’ve been a baseball mom for about 11+ years (and football and soccer and dance and...) and I’ve probably wanted to try to make these flip flops for at least 5 of those years. My son had a tournament in PA and it was just him and I going so I thought now is the time!  I packed up my supplies and enjoyed watching the games and crafting!  I was tearing apart baseballs while he caught some in the outfield!

I did not watch a tutorial on this. I just had a go at it. I think they turned out cute for my first try!  I grabbed the aballs from my son’s stash, cleaned them up with a lysol wipe, used some buttons from my stash and picked up the flip flops for $1 at Michaels!!! Had the reflections x-acto and E6000 in my supply kit!  Pretty cheap and fun craft!

Pouches for Cancer

My family and I are active each year in a Relay for Life in honor of those we love who have been lost or had to deal with cancer. My wonderf...